Tuesday 19 July 2011

nothing to say about it

maybe to you i'm slping i 'm telling you that i'm not slping 
if you dun believe just forget about it 
i having family problem i suck on this day again 
but who know nobody knows including you also 
my dad say i have lost my phone for 5 times 
so he very angry an spoiled the phone by his own hand 
he say want pain pain together but he dun know how the money come 
and is very meaning full to me 
thats the 1st time my aunt give me money and  i use her money to brought it 
but what are you thinking just i no prefect you must teach me how to be perfect 
but you spoiled my meaning full thing become meaning less is so pain 
to say as pain as my heart drop 
as my bi dun wan me everybody is so gud except for me
 why i still do not understand why 
every time must make me like  a slave call me do thi s call me do that but you got think my felling before y you could'nt you take some time just to understand ma 
wat i need and wat shud you do 
but you doesnt i do not understand why every time you make my tears come out just for no reason 
although how hard i work nobody cares nobody know it 
i'm so up sad stay in this kind of family 
everybody push me like i'm no feeling like i shud do this 
every thing olso must follow you all why cant you foolow the rule 
why can you follow my way to done 
even try also not giving chances wat shud i do beg you 
try to call for a chance 
try to follow you way 
i today really up set i knwo mf gf dun trust me as well but i write this is just my felling 
i she want to break up with me i will also respect and follow her decision 
because i know that the gud ans for her

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